Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council

Car Parking & Traffic Congestion

Kibworth Parish Council Latest, Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council Logo

A lively discussion about parking and congestion took place at the 25 January Parish Council meeting after a resident raised a number of issues.

In addition, parking on Smeeton Road during school hours is causing congestion problems. As a result, Cllr Feltham agreed to raise this with the Academy

Cllr Formoy has been investigating whether an Electric Vehicle (EV) Car Club should be started. Also considering whether there should be a survey to gauge interest. 

New Development

There was a presentation by Clarity Properties on proposals for building 10 houses on the empty site at 4 Station Street.  Concerns were expressed about parking spaces and whether the Neighbourhood Plan policy was being followed.  Further comments will await a formal planning application. 

Clerk’s Report

Kibworth Scouts have confirmed their interest in the land off Robin Drive that had outline planning permission granted for a Community building. 

CCTV Network. Confirmation of the monitoring arrangements by HDC are expected in March. Most importantly, this is needed before further cameras can be ordered. 

Applications to HDC for the release of Section106 (developer community) funding are in preparation. These are for additional inclusive play equipment for the Smeeton Road play area and renovation of the pond in Rookery Park. 


In addition, Parish councillors continue to object to the latest design for a 2m high boundary wall at 39 Church Road (21/01835/FUL). This high wall would run along Harborough Road and Church Road. That is to say this design infringes heritage and design policies in the Neighbourhood Plan. 

Neighbourhood Plan Review

The Regulation 14 consultation has been completed and amendments have been made to some wording.  A final version will be provided for both parish councils to approve. Subsequently, this will then be submitted to HDC for Regulation 16 consultation and independent examination. 

Grammar School Hall

There was an update on the ongoing project to increase community use of the Grammar School Hall. Most importantly, neighbours are being invited to a meeting on 28 February

Next Meeting

The next monthly public meeting is on:

  • Date: 22 February 2022
  • Venue: Studio at Kibworth Grammar School Hall.

Items for the agenda to include are: 

  • Matrix Medical went into administration in 2019.  Need to know more and any effect on GP services. 
  • High Street – The Bank roundabout 
  • Christmas 2022 
  • Platinum Jubilee plans
  • EV Car Club

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Further Information

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Maria Smith