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Category: Editorial

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22nd June 2024 | Editorial

Well we have arrived at our June 2024 issue and a general election early next month!

As voters we look for leadership, boldness, integrity and above all honesty to get our country on track again.

It is interesting to reflect on what was happening in government 80 years ago. Obviously it was a coalition government but we did have leadership and a direction in which we were going!

It is also that time of year where I, as editor would like to thank all the people who have contributed to the production, assembly and delivery of your community newspaper. It is definitely a team effort.

May you all have a wonderful summer - when it arrives!

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Nature Note - Insects Need Our Help

22nd June 2024 | Editorial

Except for a few glorious days in early May, the first eight weeks of the April to September weekly butterfly counts have been something of a disaster for insects. Only Orange Tip butterflies have appeared locally in numbers approaching ‘normal’. However, as you may have heard on BBC Springwatch, numbers seem to be down across the country. Common species such as Small Tortoiseshell, Comma and Red Admiral have been conspicuously absent.

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Editorial - March 2024

16th March 2024 | Editorial

Editorial - March 2024 - As editor of this community publication I occasionally browse Facebook pages entitled Kibworth and Smeeton Information Exchange. It is excellent for keeping everyone abreast about what is going on in and around the neighbourhood. I particularly appreciate the humorous comments when traffic signals are regularly installed on the A6 for the odd road improvements, or not.

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All you need is love

17th February 2024 | Editorial

When I eventually sat down to write this piece I had just been listening to BBC Radio 4 News and I thought about doing a rant about the injustices in this world, which we cannot do much about because they are outside our territory, but those within our shores bring me shame and concern.

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20th November 2023 | Editorial

The first official census was in 1801, but the 1841 census, run by the new registration service, is regarded as the first modern census.

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16th October 2023 | Editorial

On Monday 2 October the Kibworth Chronicle Association (if you read this newspaper you are automatically a member) held its AGM. We are happy to print below our Chairman’s Report for you to read.

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Editorial May 23

22nd May 2023 | Editorial

Did you watch the coronation of King Charles the third? The comments of those who did were interesting. Some were reflections on those closely involved ; others on the traditional aspects of the service plus the deliberate inclusivity of all faiths; and yet more comments were about the whole spectacle of organising such a huge event.

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24th April 2023 | Editorial

social media, friendship dramas and exam stress. All fall under the umbrella we call growing up”, except it's a thunderstorm, the umbrella has turned inside out and we’re pretty sure it's about to get struck by lightning.

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