Well, the summer break is over and since we last went to press back in June we have had a complete change of Government. Thursday 4 July was certainly a change for many with Members of Parliament losing their seats and many not standing in the General Election. And so it is with The Kibworth & District Chronicle.
The summer break has been a time to reflect on priorities and some members of the team have now called it a day. We are a bit light on volunteers to help with producing this paper. So if you feel you can help let me know. I would like a few more people who can proof-read the documents before they are pasted up. This you can do at home in your own time. You’ll get guidance notes to help you. Similarly proof-readers are also sought on the Sunday morning. Did you know that we try hard not print mistakes or typos? But they still happen even though many sets of eyes have already looked at every article minutely?
So if you have a spare hour once a month – and it doesn’t need to every month – please send an email to me.
Stephen (Editor)