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Category: Churches

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Ronnie Scott 'Hits' Kibworth

22nd June 2024 | Churches

This event was organised by The Friends of St Wilfrids. Cream teas, (with homemade scones to die for), real Cornish clotted cream and strawberry jam, were provided by the ladies of the church.

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St Wilfrid's Next Fundraising Concert

27th May 2024 | Churches

The Friends of St Wilfrid's are hosting their next fundraising concert on Saturday 1 June at 2pm in the Church Hall, featuring the 'Tiny Capers' quartet with Lisa Millett on vocals. Incorporating a mix of traditional and modern jazz and soul, this is set to be an afternoon not to be missed! A delicious cream tea is included in the ticket price of £12, available from The Well, or by contacting 07540 719298, and from

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News from Smeeton Westerby

25th May 2024 | Churches, Community

By the time you read this month’s Chronicle, we will have held our first CoCo morning in the village hall. What can that be, you might be asking? Well, it stands for ‘Coffee and Conversation’, so basically it’s a time when we are inviting you to join us for a cup of tea or coffee, naturally served with cake and biscuits, to have a friendly chat and to meet some new people.

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Our District Churches No.17 - St Helen's, Gumley

20th April 2024 | Churches

In the Domesday census of 1086, Gumley’s recorded population was 20. By 1821, this had risen to 289 before a gradual fall to 209 as shown in the 2011 census. The village is mentioned even earlier in year 749, when King Aethelbald of Mercia held a synod at Gumley under the instigation of Pope Boniface. Gumley must have been held in some importance as King Offa also visited Gumley in 772 and 779.

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St Wilfrid's Church

20th April 2024 | Churches

On 20 March, Kibworth Primary School's Year 5 students visited St Wilfrid's Church to experience 'The Road to Calvary', and learn about the final days of Jesus' life before his crucifixion on Good Friday, and about his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

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