Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council

The parish council’s monthly public meetings were held on 21 June and 23 July and an extra public meeting on 16 August 2024, all in the Studio at the Kibworth Community Hub.
Monthly meeting on 21 June
A volunteer mounted policewoman came and explained her role in the local area assisting with rural crime initiatives. Councillors resolved to permit periodic rides through the parks on Spring and Summer evenings
Finances. All financial statements, reconciliations and payments were approved.
Chairman. The chairman and other councillors had attended a community safety partnership meeting on 5 June. He was pleased to receive some 60 letters from primary school children who had recently visited Rookery Park to study wildlife in the pond.
Clerk’s Report –The six Telraam traffic sensors are awaited; it is hoped an article in the Chronicle will encourage volunteers on busy streets to host one. It was resolved to agree that Kibworth Scouts use Smeeton Park in the evening of 27 June.
Expenditure – Resolved to spend £2,506 to repair the Basket Swing at the Warwick Park play area. Also resolved to spend £390 to repair zipwire fencing and £788.90 to have 25 plaques installed for the Queen’s Walk.
UK Shared Prosperity Funding – A second business forum meeting is due in July. A meeting with Platform Housing is due on 2 July to discuss the corner of School Road.
Kibworth Community Hub. Tenders have been issued to four builders. Outstanding payments to architects and engineers were approved.
Monthly meeting on 23 July
Finance It was resolved to approve payments since the last meeting and the cost of a new laptop and SIM card for the new Media and Communications officer who starts on 1 August.
HDC £1m grant offer for parish councils. £70k has been offered to the two Kibworth parish councils. Disappointment was expressed that the two councils had not been treated separately like all other councils; details of the application process are awaited.
Clerk’s report – Network Rail have carried out a survey of drainage at the end of the new bridge but there are no details yet of the solution. The new electrification cables go live on 28 July. No details yet of when trains will use them. Repairs to the zipwires have been completed so open again.
Community Hub – It was resolved to accept Benchmark’s recommendation and appoint MJE for phase 1 (new library extension, of the project.
Extraordinary meeting on 16 August
Finance It was resolved to approve payments since the last meeting.
Community Hub re–development – HDC have now transferred the S106 funds. It was therefore resolved to approve the tender cost of £313,729.99 for MJE Contractors to complete the phase one of the project. It was also resolved to approve the suggested 5% contingency of £15,687 and which may not be required. Also resolved to approve the outstanding fees of £30,894 from budgeted reserves, KHPC reserves and other donations.
Work on building the new library extension has now started, so the main entrance is closed and temporary entrance signage provided around the side of the building.
The next monthly public meetings are at 7pm on 27 August and 24 September and will be reported in due course.
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