Kibworth Bowls Club – Dec 2023

We held another very enjoyable quiz night on 10 November. Those who took part included representatives from Dementia UK (on behalf of Admiral Nurses) and Harborough Musical Memory Box. They received cheques totalling £2400 from our President, John Ruddock. Admiral Nurses provide support for dementia sufferers and their carers. The Musical Memory Box provides a social, therapeutic singing group for those experiencing memory problems or who feel lonely.

Our bowls ladies met at the Crown at Tur Langton for an early Christmas Lunch on 28 November and a good time was had by all.

Ladies at lunch
Ladies at lunch

Our next social event is on 5 January, when we will be spending the weekend at Potters Holiday Park at Hopton on Sea, Norfolk, where the world indoor bowls championships are taking place.

If you would like to join in our social activities and/or play bowls, please contact me at

Sharon Sanderson