Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council – December 2023

The parish council’s monthly public meeting was held on 28th November in the Studio at the Kibworth Community Hub.
Procedural –The minutes of the meeting on 24 October were approved.
Finances. All financial statements, reconciliations and payments were approved. It was resolved to approve the Electoral Split between the two Kibworth Parish Councils for 2024/25 as KBPC 66%, KHPC 34%. It was resolved to agree to increase the daily HSBC online banking payments limit to £10,000.
Chairman’s Report. It was agreed to approve the first draft of the Parish Action Plan and arrange a group meeting with councillors in a few months’ time.
Kibworth High School Foundation Trust – LCC have asked us to hold off enquiries for now as they are liaising with the Academy Governance team to understand their position on the proposals.
Clerk’s Report – The two Chairmen from both Kibworth Parish Councils have signed the transfer of the hedge behind Dairy Way to the parish councils. Anti-slip surfacing and new steps, but not a DDA compliant ramp, are proposed for the Tin Bridge from March 2024. The Parish Council agreed to support the Scouts for their project to tidy up and plant new hedging for the A93 from Fleckney Road to Smeeton Road Rec.
Planning. Plans for a new house on Gladstone Street (23/01441/FUL) have been withdrawn. New proposals for 4 Station Street (22/00814/FUL) were discussed and include six one bedroomed flats and four two-bedroomed bungalows and agreed to support the plans.
Reports –Dr Feltham reminded councillors that the 12 week public consultation on closure of three Recycling sites at Market Harborough, Somerby and Shepshed ends on 24 January. The county council have started a survey for possible locations for electric vehicle charging points.
No HDC report was provided.
Joint Recreation – The single gate into the zipwire has been moved around to the side to avoid the slippery slope. The skatepark construction is nearly finished, apart from the fencing, and the safety inspection will be on Monday 4 December, ready for completion. There is some s106 money left for natural/open spaces so councillors are investigating ideas for the parks.
Smeeton Road Rec Queen’s Walk – The new semimature trees planting has been delayed because of the mild weather.
Joint Burial Board. Woodworm has been found in the wooden roof tiles, so quotes are being sought for contractors to spray.
Christmas Late Night Shopping Event. A stewarding rota for councillors/volunteers has been produced. The council agreed to review arrangements for future High Street decorations.
Youth Provision. Cllr Kiernan has met with ten pupils from the Primary School on three occasions to discuss with them their concerns regarding traffic and safety. The pupils drew their ideas onto posters, and these were circulated amongst councillors.
Parking. An update regarding off street parking and new restrictions imposed on carparks within the village was received.
Statement of Common Ground – After discussion, a majority vote was then passed objecting to HDC signing the Statement of Common Ground at the full council on Monday 11 December.
Kibworth Community Hub – it was agreed to approve the release of some reserves to pay to provide accurate plans.
The next monthly public meetings are at 7pm on Tuesday 16 January (Finance) and Tuesday 23 January and will be reported in due course. There is no parish council meeting in December.
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Maria Smith (