A Right Bunch of Amateurs!
Directing this play has been a joy. So far, we have been learning lines and creating an understanding of the plot and characters within the warmth and comfort of our home. Each taking a turn at hosting the cast and offering refreshments. Joyous? Why? You may ask. Because as of January the players will be returning to the KGSH venue. We will begin the arduous part of producing a play and creating a performance for our audiences at the end of March.
Putting on a production takes time. Not just for the actors to learn their lines. Also for the set to be built, props to be collected and curated, and costumes to be crafted. The marketing and ticket creation is a huge undertaking and posters need designing to match the tickets etc. Alongside all of this we need to prepare for the performance nights. Making sure we have the right seating arrangements. Co-ordinated volunteers to stand at the entrance for meeting and greeting and bar staff to provide refreshments. Plus making sure that the lighting and sound work in the right places!
Phew! I don’t know if this tick list is exhaustive, but I do know it is exhausting!
Join Us
This will be my sixth production in Kibworth as Director and often, as with many amateur companies, the extra jobs are left to myself or members of the cast to fill in. However this time I am hoping we can encourage new volunteers to help out backstage or with any of the jobs listed above.

I love directing, as it means I don’t have to remember my lines! BUT the production elements are not my strengths.
So if you have a talent you would be willing to share, get involved. We rehearse at the Grammar School Hall on Tuesday and Thursday evenings between 7.30pm and 9pm. Please pop along and let us know how you can help with our next production ‘A Bunch of Amateurs’.
Alison Langrick, Director
For more about our production ‘A Bunch of Amateurs’, you can also visit:
‘Dying for A Leek’ Show, March
Whislt some of our members are rehearsing for ‘A Bunch of Amateurs’, others are engaged in preparing to perform four Murder Mystery supper evenings in local villages. This show is called ‘Dying for a Leek’.
The first two of which are going to be held in Smeeton Westerby Village Hall on 3 and 4 March. The following Friday, 10 March, there will be a performance in Tur Langton Village Hall.
On Saturday 11 March, it moves to Church Langton.
To find out more details and how to book, please go across to ‘News from Smeeton Westerby’ (in the Kibworth & District Chronicle), where all will be explained!
Janet Gilbert, Chair MSTC