Kibworth & Smeeton WI – December 2022

Annual General Meeting

Kibworth & Smeeton WI

On 10th November we held our Annual General Meeting. Especially important this year because Hazel Taylor, our President for the past ten years, was standing down.

Two long-standing committee members were also retiring, but will remain active members of our WI. They were all valued very highly for their commitment, hard work and enthusiasm over the years.

New President

We are very pleased to have Beverley Taylor as our new President. We also have three new committee members, two of whom are relative newcomers to our thriving WI.

Beetle Drive

The formal part of the meeting concluded, we enjoyed social time together. Delicious refreshments as usual provided by the hostesses of the month and a progressive Beetle Drive. The winner and loser of each round had to leave their table and move in opposite directions to play at the next table. Thereby ensuring that we all circulated and met new members. It was very noisy, with a deal of hilarity – and over too soon!


On 23 November our skittles team played against Barkby at The Rose and Crown in Thurnby. The pub has a lovely skittles alley and at this time of year is decorated for Christmas with swathes of different coloured baubles and lights. We quickly realised how good the Barkby team are. Two of their ladies being really excellent players and a partially-sighted lady who knocked the skittles down every time. We were two games down by the time we paused for a delicious supper. We managed to win the next game but then lost again. Despite this we thoroughly enjoyed the whole evening, with plenty of friendly banter between our teams. We look forward to our next match, which is against Billesdon, in the near future.

Christmas Yarn Bombing

On 1st December a merry group of helpers put our Christmas Yarn Bombing up in the Library Garden ready for the late night shopping event. Our grateful thanks to the ladies in the Library who brought us biscuits and hot drinks to keep us warm! The display was conceived to keep us busy during the January lockdown last year. We had forgotten how much our members managed to create!

Christmas & Next Year

We are looking forward to our Christmas celebrations and to a full programme for 2023. The Kibworth & Smeeton WI continue to meet on the second Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in the Grammar School Hall.

We wish all members of our community a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Gail Holland and Pat Sharman

For more Chronicle articles on Kibworth & Smeeton WI, see: