Two’s Company and Trees a Crowd!

Thank you to all the residents who asked for tree saplings from Kibworth Woodland over the last month. We hope you’ve enjoyed planting in your gardens.
Having nurtured the trees for a few weeks, the dynamic duo, being my son and I, delivered more than 150 saplings to around 50 Kibworth homes, which was dovetailed into our daily exercise.

The original offer of tree saplings was first featured in the printed edition of the Kibworth & District Chronicle March edition (Issue 420). The offer included a number of tree species Rowan, Downy Birch, Holly, Crab Apple, Silver Birch, Hazel, Wild Cherry, Goat Willow and Blackthorn.
(Two of these tree species are a particular favourite of the Brimstone Butterfly Find out more from the article written by David Scott, April 2020)
More information on how to grow Pussy Willow Trees.
Here is a comprehensive guide to trees with white barks.
The orders were all fulfilled maintaining social distancing and needless to say we were overwhelmed by the positive comments made by many.
At a time when social interaction had been minimised, garden centres closed and the spring like weather, this community initiative was a perfect opportunity to lift much needed spirits for us all and to get more green into our gardens.
We enjoyed the few extra miles of cycling and delivered tree parcels across all corners of the Kibworths. My helpful assistant inside the trailer loved his role of looking after the bamboo sticks. However, with all that fresh air and ice cream he couldn’t help but fall asleep on the job! Can’t find the staff these days!
Vijay Chavda FCCA
P.s. A note from the Editorial Team: If you’ve received one of these free Tree Saplings, we’d love to have a photo of where you’ve planted your sapling (or planned to). It would be great to follow up on this fantastic exercise over the coming years and see these great trees grow as part of the landscape. Don’t forget to include which sapling you received, your name and obviously a photo. Send us a quick update to