Category: Editorial
Page 2 of 6February 2023 Editorial
20th February 2023 | Editorial
I mislaid my mobile phone the other day. As I had switched it off, while in a meeting, I could not ring it on the landline to trace it. I gave up looking and went out to do some gardening. The day was fine after an early frost, and forking away, I felt invigorated and pleased with myself. Back indoors, later, for a coffee I listened to Radio 4 and caught one of my favourite programmes , “Just One Thing,” presented by Dr Michael Moseley. His latest offer for our consideration was entitled ‘Put your phone down.’ How apt and how informative.
Read moreEditorial Dec 22
19th December 2022 | Editorial
Now this is a short one! Our contributors have been so busy that we received a record number of articles this month thus no room! No room to thank sincerely the wider Kibworth & District Chronicle team: contributors, editorial, advertising, printing, lay up, online, distribution and readers “Who have I missed out?” (A line you never want to hear Santa say) But what he does say as he eats yet another mince pie is, “Have a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.” Cheers!
Read moreEditorial Nov 22
14th November 2022 | Editorial
Let’s talk about exam stress, as a year 11 myself I know what it’s like.
Read moreOctober 2022 Editorial
16th October 2022 | Editorial
When I was asked to write this month’s editorial, I was also requested to be brief as we had lots of copy. Well done contributors! You have been busy.
Read moreThe EAT or HEAT Dilemma
19th September 2022 | Editorial
I am just putting this out there for discussion and possible action.
Read moreEditorial - May 2022
23rd May 2022 | Editorial
It wasn’t till the Boeing 777 put its nose into the air and reached for the clouds, that I believed that I was actually off to see son number two and family in Australia. So many Covid hoops had been crawled through. You do not jump at my age—that I was convinced I would never get there. Coming back five weeks later, things were much more relaxed. The faces of many travellers were visible for a start.
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