Mud, Mud Go Away… Foxton Children Want To Play

And though the mud could not disappear, the children did play at the opening of the newly refurbished play park at Robert Monk Village Hall on Middle Street Foxton on Saturday 30th December. Rising cleanly above the mud to be enjoyed was a new functional play tower and a bespoke inclusivity play tower for children in wheelchairs. Lots more now for children to experience along with the more traditional swings and slide.

This year may have been the wettest on record, or so it seems, but this did not stop Foxton folks from aiding the trustees of the Robert Monk’s Foxton Charity in the fundraising which began over three years ago. The park was in dire need of refurbishment and the considerable sum of over £40,000 had to be found.

Grants of £14,200 of section 106 money from Harborough District Council, £10,000 from the National Lottery and £1,000 from Tesco Community Grants were boosted by a Non Uniform Day / Cake Sale at Foxton Primary School; a Comedy Night (over £900 raised); Wine Tasting and a Secret Auction both at the Robert Monk Hall; plus a sponsored run by one of the trustees, Nicola Hazel (raised £760). After a letter drop explaining the need for funds, there were also several private donations. If you do the maths, that’s a great deal of money raised by the community. Well done Foxton! The trustees are very grateful for the support.

One of the trustees and also the Lubenham Ward district councillor, Joanne Asher, was given the honour of cutting the red ribbon and declaring the park open. It is hoped that many children, not just from Foxton, will be able to enjoy this new play area in the future.

Cllr Jo Asher said. “I was delighted to open the new play area for the Robert Monk foundation trust today, it’s been a long time coming and a lot of effort has been put in by the trustees.”

Contact Nicola Hazel, Trustee for more info 07756 057543.

Photographs courtesy of Andrew Carpenter