Kibworth Community Library
December 2023 Update

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world” – Desmond Tutu
There are often complaints that Kibworth is growing too big, too full of people who don’t care about community, that it’s becoming soulless. But it only takes a few minutes scrolling through the Kibworth and Smeeton Information Exchange on Facebook to realise that this simply isn’t true. Yes, there are complaints about poor parking or dog owners not clearing up after their pets, but read on and you’ll soon find out just what a warm community we have here.
The number of times someone asks for help is astounding, whether for something simple like empty boxes or a more complicated request for aid with simply getting by day-to-day. But what is remarkable and heart-warming, is the number of people who reply with all kinds of help and advice. Pointing them in the right direction or offering up support / furniture / food / company, there is always someone there for you. If you’re on Facebook and not a member of this group, make sure you join up. And a big thank you to the administrators of the group who do such a great job!
It makes us so proud here at Kibworth Community Library to be part of this growing village and to be doing our part to keep the soul of Kibworth alive and well. That’s why we are a registered Warm Space and offer free hot drinks to anybody who comes into the library. Please come in, we’re looking forward to meeting you.
Our last day of opening this year is Saturday 23 December and we re-open on Tuesday 2 January 2024 at 10am!
Our first Book Sale of 2024 is on Saturday 13 January from 10am till 12pm.
Lego Club returns on Sunday 14 and 28 January from 10 – 11am.
All of us at Kibworth Community Library wish you a wonderful Christmas, and peace, joy and happiness for 2024.
Please visit our website or follow us on Facebook for up-to-date information.
Opening hours:
Monday: 10am – 1pm and 2 – 5pm
Tuesday: 10am – 1pm
Wednesday: 2 – 5pm
Thursday: 9 – 11am
Friday: 9am – 1pm and 2 – 5pm
Saturday: 10am – 1pm
Julie Harrison