Kibworth Art Lovers – Dec 2023

Andrew Wynne describes himself as being ‘in a pure state of creativity’. This is what he brought to the Kibworth Art Lovers’ November meeting. Through a series of slides, he shared his passion for a variety of forms of batik art. These originated in Indonesia, Africa, India and Japan. Andrew currently runs creative workshops, up and down the country, mainly with children in primary and secondary schools. These explore mosaics, African textiles, silk painting and various craft forms all with a cultural focus.  In the second part of our meeting, we were given the opportunity to watch an inspiring demonstration of some of the basic techniques which may easily be practised at home.

Andrew Wynne

The Kibworth Art Lovers’ meetings will resume on 27 February 2024 with a water colour demonstration by professional artist, Bob Morley. All visitors are welcome. In the meantime, a collage of Christmas cards designed by our members is displayed at the Kibworth branch of the MHBS.

Jenny Riseborough