Free Fitness Consultation @ The Fitness Box

If you really want to do something youll find a way.if you dont want to do something youll find an excuse!”

Sometimes we have to ask ourselves if we really want to do something or do we just like the idea of it. When we look at health and fitness do we look at others and think I want be that fit and healthy…but do we REALLY want it. 

Often it comes down to choices and too often it is too easy to make an excuse and take the easy option. Unfortunately easy options don’t tend to get the results we want.

New clients welcome

When new clients come to The Fitness Box and step into the gym they have done the hardest part. They have put their gym gear on and taken that first step in the right direction.

Our actions don’t have to be huge and daunting, they just need to be lots of small steps in the right direction.

Here at The Fitness Box we can discuss goals and targets that are manageable, achievable and realistic. Too often goals are set that are too big and unachievable, we begin getting disheartened and loose focus. By setting small targets we get a sense of achievement and motivation to work towards our next goal.

Work towards your goals

If you would like help in setting out a plan to work towards your goals then we are offering a free goal setting consultation with every new block of classes purchased throughout November.

We can’t wait to here from you and help you with your fitness journey. Visit or contact The Fitness Box at to take your first step in the right direction.

Adam Fowler,

The Fitness Box