Mother’s Union

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The most powerful lay movement in the Anglican world” Rowan Williams

At the Kibworth MU August meeting the visiting speaker was Canon Dr Codra Spencer, whose talk was titled “Mothers’ Union, the backbone of the Church in Africa”.

Codra is a freelance educational consultant as well as being an ambassador for MU. We heard about the commitment and training of new members in African countries, where the ‘ladies in Blue’ are able to question social justice and step into situations that are usually out of bounds to African women.

When a woman wants to join the MU in Africa, she must undergo a year’s training, learning the history, beliefs, objectives, vision and values of Mothers’ Union. Only then can she wear the uniform (identical across Africa) which commands respect, opens doors and affirms belonging and commitment to serve.

In countries with little in the way of public services, MU provides care in their communities to the elderly, infirm and orphans. This can happen because the membership spans generations and significant roles within the Church.

This contrasts somewhat with what happens in the UK, where we are blessed to have the NHS and Social Services (although currently not at their best). In Kibworth we meet once a month, on the 1st Thursday, to share fellowship and learn from our guest speakers. We support various charities, organise events and enjoy social time together. We wear a badge rather than a uniform.

Liz Scott

To find out more contact Eunice Hayes –