Kibworth Band

Kibworth Band

The Band have had a relatively quiet summer but are now back to full practices in preparation for a Proms-style concert at the Old Grammar School, Kibworth in September and the Leicestershire Brass Band Association (LBBA) contest at Loughborough in November.

Afternoon Concert

The former will take the form of an afternoon concert on Sunday 24 September at the Old Grammar School Hall, Kibworth and culminate in a proms-style finale. It has been organised in conjunction with The Well, Kibworth, a charity dedicated to providing assistance to those in need in Kibworth.

Ticket costs are Adults £8, under 16s £4 and will be available from The Well on (0116)2790148, through the band website, or from any band member. Please come along to support both the Band and this worthy charity.

In a change of style and emphasis, the Band will once again take part in the LBBA contest in Loughborough, where they will be competing against 12 other bands. This is an own-choice contest which means that there will be an interesting mix of test pieces to listen to.

Isabel Bingham