Kibworth Bowls Club – Sept 2023

The 2023 summer outdoor bowling season has absolutely flown by!

The highlights include winning the Market Harborough League and the Springer Cup. Our new Ladies team were pleased to win all of their friendly games.

We have kept busy over the summer by offering bowling activities for children on our green and we are delighted to have an increasing junior members’ section. We were also able to make good use of our junior bowls equipment by delivering a four-week holiday club at Market Harborough Leisure Centre. It has been great to see youngsters enjoying bowls – it’s not just a sport for retired people!

At our President’s Day in August, we took part in a fun ‘target bowls’ competition which was much harder than it looked. I think I gave away more points to my opponents than I scored for my own team! The trophy was won by Sylvia Baker, Les Bent and Ian Bowler, who are pictured receiving their award from John Ruddock (President). Afterwards we held an auction of prizes which were very kindly donated by several local businesses. Over £1100 was raised for the Admiral Nurses charity which provides support for dementia sufferers and their carers.

As part of our community work, we provided an outdoor bowling evening which was followed by tea and delicious homemade cakes for members of the New Normal Cancer Support Group and their families.
Our clubhouse is available for hire all year round at very reasonable rates and is a perfect venue for one-off or regular private social events. It has kitchen facilities, a licensed bar and can accommodate up to 100 guests. Please see our website for more information.

Sharon Sanderson