Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council

The Parish Council’s monthly public meeting on 28 February was held in the Studio at the Kibworth Grammar School Hall. Thure Johansen was co-opted.
All financial statements, reconciliations and payments were approved, This included 8.7% increase in the cost of the additional CCTV equipment for a camera to be installed in Warwick Park once the server is in the new office.
Clerk’s Report
An update on the current s106 projects was given. There has been considerable help provided by Network Rail’s Powerlines Group delivering and providing materials for the Rookery Pond development.
The Zipwire has been installed and a safety inspection booked for 3 March.
A meeting is being held on 2 March in Smeeton Rec’ with the fundraiser to discuss a memorial for ‘Fred.’
The hedge that backs onto some Dairy Way houses, has been cut back by David Wilson Homes.
22/02147/FUL. Demolition of dwelling and erection of five new dwellings at 26 New Road. Council objected as this Victorian property is included in the Neighbourhood Plan (Policy ENV9) as a heritage asset. There are safety concerns about parking spaces being directly off New Road.
23/00161/FUL. Two storey extension, and single storey side extension at Kibworth Knoll, 12 Fleckney Road. Council objected because there would be fewer parking spaces despite ten more bedrooms and more staff. Also the extension would be too close to neighbouring properties.
The usual reports from County and District Councillors, joint boards, Grammar School Hall, and allotments were given.
Councillors agreed that Kibworth Ladies Rounders could use a part of Warwick Park for six league games this summer.
Cllr. Feltham reported that LCC are writing to some residents of Elliot Close who have extended their gardens into the LCC property down towards the railway line. Network Rail need this area to use as a site compound for demolishing and replacing the nearby railway bridge this summer.
Councillors agreed to adopt the LRALC Model Code of Conduct and to sign up to the Civility & Respect Pledge. Some social media information will be placed on the website and a council communications strategy will be considered.
King’s Coronation & Summer Events
The 1st Kibworth Scouts are supporting a Coronation Event in Great Glen so nothing planned for Kibworth. Planning for a Summer Event at Kibworth Mead Academy on 19/20 August is to be discussed further.
Youth Provision
Cllrs Kiernan and Bland had met with some students at Kibworth Mead Academy and various ideas for activities raised and will be discussed further.
Parish Office
Work on the modifications has begun. It was agreed for another £200 to carry out works for the kitchenette.
The Bank (Island)
It was agreed to purchase a Union Flag and investigate designs for our own Kibworth’s logo flag. The Island will be the responsibility of the Joint Recreation Board.
EV Car Club
Cllr Formoy agreed to liaise with DCllr King regarding more charging points.
Future Agenda items
Community or public toilets. Financial strategy.
For more from Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council, please see:
- Meet Your Councillors, 23rd January 2023
- December’s Chronicle Parish Council Article
- Search for ‘meet your councillors’ on the Kibworth & District Chronicle website.
Next Parish Council Meeting
The next monthly Public Meeting is on 28 March at 7pm and will be reported in due course.
For the latest news and information please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and our website
Maria Smith