Mothers’ Union – February 2023

Our February meeting began with a service in Church followed by a get together in the Church Hall. The meeting was very well attended. After sharing news and notices members listened to a talk by Andy Wright, Operations Manager, The Well.

The Well

Andy Wright at Mothers’ Union February Meeting

Andy spoke about his previous experience in the social housing sector which brings valuable skills to his role. Andy had started as a volunteer, but was able to take up his paid role when the previous manager left. The Well is an established part of the Community, providing services to Kibworth and surrounding villages. Andy pointed out that there have been many changes in direction in the last few years leading to an increase in what The Well offers. Notably the Food Bank and links to helping agencies who can use the Well as a base to support people in need. Rough sleepers are made welcome and receive food and clothing and a place to freshen up. The Well is a charity, so raising adequate funding is a priority for the trustees. The Café and Shop generate income which is ploughed back into the charity running costs.

Andy stresses the important role of the many volunteers who work in the Café, Shop and Food Bank. Without their input The Well would not be able operate or to develop new projects.

There is a prayer room for confidentiality. The Well is registered as a safe place through the County Council and has recently joined the Chatty Café Scheme. A priority is to offer a warm welcome to all – a place to sit quietly or to find companionship and support. The number of people using the Food Bank has increased. It is now allied to the South Leicestershire Food Bank and uses the Trussell Trust system of operation.

Members reiterated the importance of The Well. ‘A place of calm offering a warm and caring welcome in the midst of the community and a rewarding volunteering opportunity for all’.

Join Us

You are welcome to join us on the first Thursday morning of the month at St Wilfrid’s Church. Please contact Eunice on Tel:01162796154 or email

For more recent Mothers’ Union articles in the Chronicle, please see:

For more about the Well, please visit their website

Jacki Shorley