Scouts visit Kibworth Tip

Since the Kibworth Tip closed in November 2021, contractors Willmott Dixon, working on behalf of LCC, have been busy redeveloping the site and transforming it into the new facility that we will soon be able to use. Back in June they reached out to share with us what they were doing, inviting the cubs and scouts to the site to take a look at what was going on and learn about construction methods and waste recycling plans.

Starting with a look at the plans and site layout in the office, the tour continued out onto the new weighbridge and around the unfinished construction site where we followed cable ducts and piping to the top area along the railway line and back to the new workers building. There was loads of heavy machinery to look at and talks on construction methods too.

For our younger members, site workers visited our scout hut to teach the beavers about the importance of recycling and they all left with a storybook about recycling bottles.

Willmott Dixon invited us back in December after construction was completed, and donated a life saving defibrillator to install in our Scout Hut. A device which we never hope to use but is a fantastic facility to have available.

1st Kibworth Scouts