Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

December Meeting

The last monthly public meeting of 2022 was held on 1 December in the Studio at Kibworth Grammar School Hall. Cllr. Feltham reported that HDC Planning Enforcement Team were making investigations into the possible use of 2 Harborough Road for a commercial business lacking relevant planning permission.

He has also called for a meeting in the new year to look at Highways proposals and timescales for improving air quality and access onto the A6.

Joint Recreation Board

The Rookery Pond completion is still work in progress. There have been delays in obtaining the additional tons of hardcore. The Trim Trail in Smeeton Road Rec is now installed. The HDC Grants Committee meets on 20 December to determine an s106 grant for the new Skatepark on Warwick Park.

Joint Burial Board

Some cemetery improvements had been discussed. The next meeting is on 19 January when the plans for a garage/workshop fees will be discussed.

Village Hall

Improvements to the external windows have been completed.

Grammar School Hall/Community Hub

Paul Scourfield has resigned as Trustee and Community Hub Steering Group chairman. Numerous craft stalls will be in the main hall on 7 December. The next Steering Group meeting is in the new year. The Parish Councils are considering swapping their office with the Local Area Coordinators so could move upstairs to a larger room.


22/01963/FUL – Phoenix House, Leicester Road, Kibworth Harcourt – No objections.


Agreement given by LCC to fund £3,100 from the Members Highways Fund towards two mobile vehicle-activated signs for Main Street and Albert Street. LCC are due to install a post on Albert Street for one of them in January. The total cost of the MVAS is £4,600, so approval was given to fund the extra £1,500 from reserves.

Parish Council Elections

These are due to take place, alongside the district council elections, on Thursday 4 May. All current councillors must reapply if they wish to continue representing the parish. Other residents can also apply. If more than six people apply there will be an election.


Approval was given for the clerk to apply for s106 funds to extend the cremation areas and paint the outside of the Lychgate. Approval was also given to purchase plans for a garage/workshop at the cemetery.

All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and shared costs with KBPC were approved. It was resolved to approve the electoral split between both Kibworth Parish Councils. From 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024, the split will be KHPC 34% and KBPC 66%.

Clerk’s Report

The special wildflower seeds for the Wistow Road Roundabout have been delivered to the volunteer who will sow them in March. The groundsman reported the tower slide on Jubilee Green is beyond repair and needs replacing. This issue will be raised at the next Joint Rec meeting. The Clerk will enquire about an Equals card.

Monthly Parish Council Meetings

Our 7 pm monthly meetings are open to the public, so why not come along to meet all six councillors and see what we do?

The next two Public meetings on 5 January and 2 February in Kibworth Grammar School Hall will be reported in due course.

Please visit our website for more information

If you would like to get involved and let us know of any community news about up-and-coming events, then please contact the Clerk.

Sara Barrett