Kibworth Community Library – January 2023

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand, and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” – Edith Sitwell.
There is nothing like staying indoors on grey winter days, but please make sure that you don’t miss out on the lovely events we have in the library for the next few weeks.

The inspiring health and fitness guru, Rosemary Conley, is with us on Thursday 26 January from 2–4pm talking about her autobiography ‘Through Thick and Thin’.
Rosemary was a sickly child, not expected to survive. Years later, having defied the odds and become a teenager, she discovers a medical report that tells her that she is overweight. That was the moment the young Rosemary decided to change her life. Tickets are on sale now for only £6 and include tea/coffee and bite-sized cakes.
We have a Book Sale on Saturday 11 February from 10am-12noon. There will be a selection of fabulous fiction, Young Adult, Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Gardening, Arts and Crafts, Poetry and Drama. You will be able to find an amazing deal on your favourite reads!
After our successful ‘Kibworth Wildlife’ talk, there will soon be a talk in the library on somewhere a little warmer – ‘The Wildlife of South Africa’. Keep an eye out for more information.
Please don’t forget that we are still offering free hot drinks to anyone who comes in during the winter. You will be made to feel very welcome.
Check our website for information at or follow us on Facebook for up-to-date information.
Opening hours:
Monday 2–6pm
Tuesday 10am–1pm
Wednesday 2–5pm
Thursday 9–11am
Friday 9am–1pm and 2–5pm
Saturday 10am–1pm
Julie Harrison