Welcome Kitchen

Did you read the Editorial in last month’s Kibworth & District Chronicle about an idea of helping to start a place where people can warm up (HEAT) with good company and great conversation and at the same time have something warming and delicious to EAT.
Well, this idea is going to be a reality! Commencing on Monday 31 October, the Welcome Kitchen will open its doors and you, and that means everyone, will be able to join others at Kibworth Grammar School Hall (main hall) for friendship and enjoy a bowl of nourishing soup prepared by our resident cook, Jenny.
Every Monday lunchtime from Hallowe’en (31 October) until Christmas (19 December) do come along between 12noon and 1.45pm for a chat and a bowl of delicious homemade soup – you will be very Welcome.
And the cost, you ask, is ‘whatever you want to pay’, however, we would like a donation of a minimum of £1 per bowl. All monies received will be recycled by purchasing the ingredients for the following week’s soup, so you will be investing in the future comfort and welfare of yourself and others.
Of course the rental of the Grammar School Hall has to be met and this is £40 per week. Would you or your group/organisation like to sponsor a session and help your community’s wellbeing? If it was a group you could at the same time display your group’s activities etc. Do get contact us via our email address as soon as possible to book your session. You could have lots of potential new members for your club!
Contact me via my email address stephenpoyzer@gmail.com if you can help.
Thanks for reading this.
Jenny, Shirley, Steve, Jane and Carol