Main Street Theatre Company & Kibworth Theatre Company October 2022

Kibworth Theatre company

Our Next Production To Be Announced Soon

We had hoped that with this edition of The Chronicle, we would have been able to announce our next production. However due to personal circumstances, we have had to delay things a little.

Both groups have begun meeting again. On Thursday 29 September we got together to look at plays and read some excerpts. The final decision will be made in the next few days and announced via Facebook and of course The Chronicle shortly afterwards.

Enjoying ‘Allo, allo”

We are looking to take to the stage in the spring and are confident that whatever we choose will build on the success of ‘Allo ‘Allo. Guaranteed to put a smile on your faces!

Main Street and KTC have agreed to carry on working together whilst Great Glen Village Hall is in the flux of being redeveloped. Importantly, keeping the identity of each group intact.

Interested in Joining Us

Interested in joining our dynamic theatre companies and our exciting new production. We are all keen to continue attracting new members. For more information, please contact:

We look forward to hearing from you!