News from Smeeton Westerby Village Hall
Henry VIII comes to Smeeton on Saturday 19 March at 7.00pm

Now that most things are almost back to normal, we are pleased to announce our first social event of the year. This is ‘An Evening with Henry VIII’.
Whilst visiting my sister in Kent, we went to see this show performed by professional raconteur, actor and comedian Tony Harris. We so enjoyed it that I asked if he could come and perform for us in Smeeton. To my astonishment and delight he said that he would!
For two years Tony lived and worked at Hampton Court Palace. He played Henry VIII every other day for the benefit of more than half a million tourists.
He learnt his Tudor trade at the feet of major historical experts. Tony has been bringing his unique blend of history and comedy to the speaker circuit for the past six years.
His aim is to educate and inform people by making them laugh, but every point he makes is historically accurate.
Earning his living as a stand-up comedian means he can get the most from any age or sized audience. Rest assured, he is as pure as the driven snow on the lecture circuit and you won’t be disappointed.
Join us for a wonderful evening
Our evening will start at 7.00pm with a delicious supper followed by Tony’s performance. We will then have a short break. You can replenish your glasses before he comes back as himself to tell us about his life as a comedian and actor and invite questions from the audience. Tickets cost £10 each and can be reserved by ringing Philippa on (0116) 2703841.
As with all our evenings, we ask you to bring your own drinks and glasses.
P.S. A date for your diary – Quiz night on Saturday 23 April.
Janet Lord