Kibworth Cricket Club

Happy New Year

Kibworth Cricket Club 2022

We always like the start of the year. It means we can start our countdown to the new season. Lots of things are happening to get things ready for our new cricket season.

Winter Nets

Senior nets began at the start of January indoors at Crown Hills Community College. We encourage players of all abilities looking for a new club or to start playing cricket to come along from 8pm. There are always plenty of friendly faces to help you settle in.


The programme for juniors will start on 20 February and run for 8 weeks. The Kwiks (5-9 years old) will be 2 to 3.15pm.

The U11s, U13s and U15s will train from 3pm until 5pm. The Kwiks training will all be based entirely in the Sports Hall. However, where possible with weather and availability, the older groups will split their time both inside and out. We will also be hosting an introduction course for those new to cricket in the summer. The ECB All-Stars program will be advertised later this year.

Women and Girls

We are focusing hard on women’s and girls’ cricket this year and really encourage any new players to get in touch. It’s never too late to start playing the game. Women’ s cricket is one of the most popular and growing sports in the country. Our team play different formats through the summer and we hope to host some professional games again this summer.

The Leicestershire & Rutland Youth League is running two girls’ competitions this season for the first time. There will be an U12s Softball Competition and U16s Hardball Competition. We are planning on putting some girls-only fun training sessions to encourage even more participation. Again, as soon as we have more details we will let you know.


The Clubhouse continues to open on a Friday night from 5pm for anyone in the village who fancies a drink and sometimes street food. The ‘Friday Night Social’ is open for everyone who fancies a new place to socialise in Kibworth.

Keep you eyes on Social media for more events and opening times!

The Clubhouse is also available to hire for:

  • events
  • parties
  • christenings
  • birthday parties
  • business meetings
  • baby groups
  • wedding receptions

Whatever the event, feel free to contact for more information.

Jobs – 1st Team Scorer

We are looking for a First Team Scorer for the 2022 season. This is a paid role and requires availability for 90% of our first team games through the season. Travel to games and food, drink can be included in the role. Plus we will pay for any training to ECB Standards. If you are interested please do contact us below.


We welcome volunteers participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Award to help with coaching of the Kwiks and All – Stars on a Sunday morning through the summer.

For older teenagers looking for coaching experience, perhaps studying in that field, we can see how they can assist with other age groups for their development.

For those really keen to progress, the Club will happily pay to complete their ECB Foundation Level 1 qualification in exchange for a number of volunteered training sessions. Please get in touch for further information.

In addition, as we get closer to the summer there will be a call to arms for volunteers for:

  • Sunday Breakfast
  • Friday Night BBQs
  • Digital Scoring and
  • a whole host of other roles to help support the ground and club.

Please also see:

Latest News & Information

As always, please keep you eye on social media for further updates.


KibworthCC Facebook

Kibworth Twitter

