Editorial – January 22

New Year 2022

Yes, Please..!

Wishing you a year filled with vibrant health, new goals, new achievements, amazing adventures and many new inspirations to your life. We’ve welcomed New Year 2022 with temperatures in double digits, unusual but nice.

How well do you remember 2021? Was it a blur or eventful? It has been a little tumultuous and has certainly been full of highs and lows.

Hailstorm Dents

The dents on my car remind me of the giant hailstorm that hit Kibworth in July.

According to the latest news 58.3% of the world has received at least one dose of the Coronavirus vaccine, and that figure is growing. 9.33 billion doses have been administered globally and 30.42 million new jabs are given each day.

Overcome the Pandemic

The world population has willingly accepted to live with more microbes in their body than ever before in the hope to overcome this pandemic

Something Covid did give us was an appreciation for all the things we once considered normal or even mundane. 2021 has been a good teacher and a great mentor to us all.

As I sit to write my first ever editorial I remember two years ago we moved in Kibworth and soon joined Chronicle’s advertising team. I met many wonderful people and came to know how much work is involved in producing a copy of Kibworth & District Chronicle. From collecting articles, gathering information, checking facts and events, marketing and social media presence, creating adverts, selecting pictures, proof reading and editing, printing, layup, accounting, managing finances, publishing and distribution. All completely and wholly supported entirely by our dynamic team of volunteers. New volunteers are always welcome.

Chronicle Transition

I have seen Chronicle’s transition from being produced manually in black and white; then we added a splash of colour on the front and last pages. In February 2021, we published our first ever online version in full colour and completely digital.

Chronicle History

2021 has been a year of achievement with the Chronicle’s history. Keeping the community spirit alive, these days layup is done manually, whilst keeping everyone safe. Combining best of both epochs, Chronicle is now put together digitally and manually. We have global online presence. We print and distribute our monthly copy to 5000 households reaching out altogether in 25 districts and villages completely free (except for July and August).

In the last two years, lockdowns has taught us to make many things possible of which we could not or didn’t approve of in the past. Video meetings once felt alien. Now, they’re part of our routine. In every industry, sector and every area of human life technology has been our saviour. Virtual conference meetings, online school lessons, online exams, online doctor’s appointments, working from home all becoming more common. Attending weddings, parties, functions and funerals virtually is being accepted. Suddenly the world, which was vast, has become compact.

In 2021 we rejoiced our hugs and shakes, open markets, fairs, quiz nights, performances, Christmas parties and fireworks. Kibworth was so lively and lovely once again. It’s all happening. And it’s all pretty amazing.

Remember, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door,”  Milton Berle

Happy New Year everyone! Here’s to better times ahead for us all!

Jignasa Mistry (Advertising Team)