Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council for March 2021

The government has decided not to extend the legislation that has permitted virtual council meetings after 6 May; in our case using Zoom. Our annual meeting to elect the chairman, vice-chairman and representatives would normally be held on 25 May. However we have movewd this meeting to Tuesday 4 May. This is because of the uncertainty about holding face to face public meetings in a safe environment. The agenda and Zoom joining instructions will be published on our website and the notice board on High Street.
We held our public monthly Zoom meeting on 23 March and were pleased to co-opt new parish councillor, Jon Owst.
In line with the recent Memorandum of Understanding between the two Kibworth parish councils following remarks from external audit, the end-of-year final balance sheet for the Joint Recreation Board was approved. From April, the Board’s finances will be fully incorporated into the parish council accounts.
An application and payment to LCC for a white line across the entrance to Kibworth Court and Beauchamp Gardens on Smeeton Road has been submitted. A request has also been made to LCC for an engineer to come on site and advise about resolving the problems with cars parked by the speed cushions near to the school entrance. Parking here is causing congestion especially with many patients attending the nearby Medical Centre for vaccination appointments.

The ongoing problems with broadband and the CCTV cameras on High Street are being resolved by BT. A meeting with ACE Securities to look at options for possibly moving the server into the parish office and positioning additional cameras by the Grammar School Hall and Warwick Park play area is being arranged. HDC have confirmed they would be willing to monitor an additional two cameras.
The ongoing discussions about the location and emptying of litter and dog bins with HDC continues. The groundsperson has replaced a damaged bin in Smeeton Road Rec.
See also:
Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council January 2021
Planning applications
Further amendments have been made to the planning application to demolish the workshops and build 10 houses on Clarke’s Car Repair site on New Road (21/00143/OUT). After discussion councillors recommended objecting to the plans on the grounds of too many houses for the site, and the plans being unable to meet LCC and NP policies for parking spaces within the curtilage of each house. Councillors also agreed to object to the felling of trees at 39 Church Road (21/00357/TCA) and requested Tree Preservation Orders be placed on several. Other planning decisions were approved in line with the recommendations of the Planning Committee and are available on the website.
Various items of expenditure, requested by the Joint Recreation Board, were approved. This included the purchase and planting of two silver birches or equivalent near to the MUGA in Warwick Park.
Councillors discussed the outline proposals for the Discovery Trust’s new Cibbaeus Primary School, that has been approved by the Department for Education. A new school was supported in principle by councillors especially the proposal to incorporate an Autism Resource Hub. However, concerns were raised about siting the new free school on Warwick Road which could lead to further largescale future housing. Plans for the school and any housing would have to be approved by HDC.
Further reports of anti-social behaviour (ASB), including a burnt area on the car park at Warwick Park were discussed. The public are asked to report all ASB to 101 or online. There are ongoing discussions about improving communication between the police and councils.
Councillors were pleased that the tennis club has agreed to pay 50% of the tarmac costs to resurface the grass area next to the top tennis court, and contractors will now be instructed to commence work.
Christmas Late Night Shopping 2021
As this couldn’t be held in 2020, discussions will be held with Fleckney Events about holding this popular event on 8 December. The High Street would need to be closed again.
Following the success of the Activity Day in September 2020, it was agreed to investigate, with Fiesta Sports Coaching, the costs and options for two further dates this summer.
The monthly reports from representatives, county and district councillors are available on the notice board and council website. Our next monthly public meeting using Zoom is at 7pm on Tuesday 27 April.
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