Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council.

Zoom Meetings.
We held our public Zoom meeting on 19 January, which is earlier than the usual fourth Tuesday, so that the budget could be agreed for 2021/22, and the figures sent into HDC for their 22 January deadline.
New Precept.
The new precept approved for 2021/22 is £102,466 (band D property parish council tax £56.45 which is £7.97 more than 2020/21). This is to cover the increased cost of the extra staff now jointly employed by the two Kibworth parish councils (deputy clerk and groundsperson), the running costs of the parish councils’ van, increased public liability insurance costs and to cover additional administration including the new website. Precept comparisons with neighbouring parishes, Fleckney and Great Glen, were discussed, which although having lower populations have considerably higher precepts. Also Kibworth Harcourt parish council tax for a band D property will be £53.44. Other possible projects, such as extending the CCTV cameras and consultants’ work on plans for improving community facilities, will be dependent on s106 or grant funding, if agreed by the council.
Planning decisions were approved in line with the recommendations of the Planning Committee and are available on the website.
Cllr Bland agreed to be the parish council representative to liaise with the Kibworth Allotments Society.
Parish vacancies.
There are now three vacancies on the parish council and these can be filled by co-option. If anybody is interested in these vacancies, please contact the parish clerk.
Council agreed to include an item on Smeeton Road parking problems on the next agenda for 23 February.
The resubmitted proposal for 10 houses on the Clarkes Auto Repair site (21/00143/OUT) will also be discussed at the next parish council meeting.
For the latest news and information please follow upon facebook and our new website: