The Library in Lockdown

After we closed our doors on 18 March you may think we haven’t been doing anything at all in the library, but we have been so busy!
We realised very quickly that people would need books to get through this. We couldn’t lend books by the normal routes so we turned our attention to the stacks of donated books that we usually sell in our monthly book sales. One spreadsheet, two couples, 1500 books later, and we had a list!
We organised them into the most popular categories and then advertised the service. Straightaway we had the most amazing response. We phone to talk about what books we have that you might like, select a few and then arrange delivery. So far, we have delivered dozens of bags of books across Kibworth and Smeeton.

A very generous offer of children’s activity books by Brown Watson publishers in the village was gratefully received, and many bags of these have gone to some extremely happy children.
We have also received so many lovely donations of books that we’ve been able to add to our list, and there are some very popular books amongst them.
While we are doing this, we are also making preparations to reopen as soon as we get the go ahead from the Government and Leicestershire County Council. We are really hoping that we can open shortly, following social distancing guidance, allowing you to borrow books once again. There will be lots of changes, but we all seem to have got used to life being a bit different.
We will still carry on with the home deliveries even when we’re open, to get books to people who are having to self-isolate or are still wary of going out. If you are interested in getting books delivered to your door, email us on with your phone number, and we’ll give you a call.
As soon as we have more news we will let you know. Thank you all for your wonderful support through this and we hope we can see you all again in the not too distant future.
Julie Harrison