Kibworth Village Hall – An Opportunity Taken

Given the amount of planning and anticipation we had for future events, it was with great sadness that the Village Hall has had to close its doors due to Government advice. That marked the end of the free VE Day lunch we were planning to host for the over 75’s, along with several Community Cinema screenings. It has also meant the cancellation of the Pre-School, Dance classes, Martial arts, Yoga, Pilates, the Kibworth Chronicle lay-up and numerous other events and societies who use the Village Hall on a regular basis. We sincerely hope that everyone involved in these organisations is keeping safe during this difficult and challenging time.
After some reflection, the Committee decided to embrace the Pandemic and the opportunities this presented. We have mastered Zoom calls so have had virtual committee meetings. At these we have decided to carry out lots of the routine maintenance jobs and interior works we have been planning for months and as a consequence of the utilisation of the hall, have struggled to fit in. We have been immensely pleased with a number of local tradesmen who have carried out safe and socially distanced work to achieve this, and thank them for their efforts and diligence.
Once we do re-open we hope you will be pleased with the work we have carried out, namely;
- Re-plastered sections of the Hall.
- Completely re-decorated the Main Hall.
- Upgraded the electrical works.
- Installed stage spotlights and disco lighting.
- Most importantly of all, got the iconic central mirrorball working again.
We have just embarked on the long awaited upgrade of the toilets which anyone who has visited the Village Hall in the last 50 years, will wholeheartedly agree was in desperate need of an upgrade. The toilets will have central heating too, which will be a monumental change.
We look forward to welcoming hirers new and old, along with visitors to the village hall when we are able to re-open. We have already bought sanitiser units as part of our risk improvement so are ready to re-open when the time comes. We hope you will be pleased with what we have done.
We are also compiling photographs of the Village Hall throughout the years to celebrate its long history, copies of which we intend to display in the hall. If you are able to provide any photographs please email them to, we would really appreciate it.
Paul Rose