Main Street Theatre Company

I am not sure how many of you are aware, but the Main Street Theatre Company of Great Glen started its life, (approximately 46 years ago!) as The Kibworth Drama Group based in the new drama studio of the then Kibworth High School. Recently on Facebook, Heather Wilson, one of our members, has been posting lots of old photos and programmes of shows that the group performed all those years ago. It has been fascinating to see them again and to relive so many great times.

Sadly, for our group, approximately 25 years ago, the drama studio was needed as a classroom space and so we were obliged to seek new premises. At that time the only place that could accommodate us was Great Glen Village Hall. I remember feeling so disappointed that we had to leave our lovely purpose built studio and go to a village hall but it soon became clear that it is not the building that is important, it is the people! Great Glen has been our home ever since!

So, back to 2020. In March, just before ‘Lockdown’, we managed to perform two of our five performances of ‘Board to Death’, a really fun Murder Mystery Supper night. Both shows played to packed audiences with everyone being most complimentary about the whole experience, including the supper!

Sadly, due to the issues of Covid-19, it became obvious that we would have to postpone our final three shows.

Being eternally optimistic, however, we all decided to continue meeting up on- line to rehearse and keep the lines fresh in our minds ready for when we are able to perform again – whenever that might be!

Added to that, every member of the group was sent a copy of our next year’s pantomime, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We asked everyone who might be interested in being involved, to have a read through and if they would be interested in a part, large or small, to come back to us. We drew up a list of potential people for each role, carried out auditions on-line where necessary, and within two weeks we had cast the show.

Again, we have now started on- line read-throughs to get everyone familiar with their parts. We are also hoping that as things gradually ease, we might be able to start small group, socially distanced rehearsals in the open air. We know we will not be able to perform again for a very long time but at least this way, we can still enjoy each others company and keep the group together.

Janet Lord