Distribution Co-ordinator Required
A Distribution Co-ordinator is required to join the team of volunteers at the Chronicle. This team are responsible for the management, editorial production and very importantly – the distribution.
Distribution is the last crucial link in the chain. It makes sure that all the homes in the Chronicles circulation area receive their copy (highlighted in orange below). Thus keeping them in touch with what’s going on in their community.

The Kibworth & District Chronicle is delivered to around 5,000 homes in Kibworth and the surrounding villages. This is a role requiring good communication and organisational skills.
We urgently need a volunteer Distribution Co-ordinator to take on this important role.
Ideally, they should be available on the Thursday distribution day each month during September to June (10 Thursdays per year). They will also need to have computer skills to maintain the register of helpers and distribution routes. They will also need to be reasonably fit and have a car.

Members of the team will be available to give support for the first few months and on an ad hoc basis.
If you think that you could help, please email Sue Buchanan at distribution@kibworthchronicle.com
Kibworth & District Chronicle Team