Illston-on-the-Hill WI – May 22

For our June meeting we invited a representative from Leicestershire Police to talk to us about security.

‘Security’ covers a multitude of areas. We started in the home with burglaries. When reported these are all logged by the police and classified into grades 1 – 4. If we suffer such an event we should report it immediately via either 999 or 101. The latter is for not quite such serious matters, but if undecided and 999 is called, the operator will advise if 101 should be called.

We then covered doorstep scams, which involve one person, but often two or three; the first person distracting us and the others going into the home via an alternative route. To make their entry seem more authentic the perpetrator will wear a high-vis jacket. If in any doubt – even if they say they are from an authority, water, gas, electricity, etc.- DON’T let them in. Keep the chain on the door and call the police.

We also touched on internet, email and telephone scams. The callers often have limited skills in writing and speaking. If there are copious spelling errors and bad grammar, dismiss any contacts immediately. Also remember your bank will NEVER ring you. NEVER give your pin number to anyone.

I could go on at great length as it is amazing how the villains operate. We must always be alert and very, very careful.

Our meeting ended with the usual ‘non-fattening’ refreshments. Well done ladies. I must just mention that the first number to be picked out by the speaker for our raffle was 999. You couldn’t make it up, could you?

Jane Shute