Rotary Charity Golf Day

We had our Rotary Charity Golf Day on Friday 10 June at Kibworth Golf Club.
Nineteen teams participated, with a shotgun gun start at 1pm. The weather was kind and the course was in very good order. We all came in around 5pm for a sit-down buffet and friendly banter about what could have been and the putts that got away! The winning team was Tom Nimmo’s team with an impressive 100 points. The profit of around £1800 will go to Dementia Support locally. We are very grateful to all the golfers who supported this very successful fundraiser, and the staff at Kibworth Golf Club, Rotarians Simon Nickson and Stephen Pitchers who made it all happen.
Photo –Winning team- Simon Mayer, Tony and Tom Linnell, Tom Nimmo and in the middle Rotarian Simon Nickson