We regularly hear of the dire effects of the changing climate yet somehow struggle to take action; governments even less so, it seems. Most people reading this will have taken steps to reduce their carbon footprint, yet it all seems a bit pointless.
A local graphic designer has written and published a debut novel which is now available to buy. Paul Johnson, from Tur Langton, has been running a design agency since 1996. He has decided to turn his hand to writing a book, which he began during the Covid lockdown of 2021. Published under his pen name, Ben George Johnson, the book, called The Creaking Tree, is described as a light-hearted fantasy adventure for all the family. Initial reviews have been extremely positive, as the author explains… “I have been amazed by the number of people that have given me such positive feedback about the book already. I am a first-time writer with no experience in the field whatsoever so to receive such praise is both humbling and exciting. I wanted to create a story that makes people happy, one that is free of nastiness and full of optimism and hope. I have always had a wild imagination and this has really helped me create the wonderful characters and storyline.”
It’s vital to leave your home secure whenever you leave it. Getting into an ‘exit routine’ can help ensure that you don’t forget obvious, important things like not leaving your valuables near windows, or to leave lights on if it will be dark before you get home.
As regular readers of the Chronicle will know, for the past couple of years, MSTC and KTC have been putting on co-productions, including very well received productions of Allo Allo, A Bunch of Amateurs and, the fabulous One Night Only, as well as some touring Murder Mysteries.
Did you know the Great Glen Bypass opened to traffic in May 2004 - some twenty years ago this month. The Market Harborough bypass opened in 1994 - some thirty years ago.
By the time you read this month’s Chronicle, we will have held our first CoCo morning in the village hall. What can that be, you might be asking? Well, it stands for ‘Coffee and Conversation’, so basically it’s a time when we are inviting you to join us for a cup of tea or coffee, naturally served with cake and biscuits, to have a friendly chat and to meet some new people.