Your letters
Dear Editor
Community Orchards
In your column ‘What’s Going On?’ in the last copy of the Kibworth Chronicle there was an article about Land Usage and Community Orchards and a picture showing the green at the top of Meadowbrook Road. I think this is a fantastic idea. Six months ago I contacted the Kibworth Beauchamp {Parish} Clerk to see if this was possible. I was told there was no grass there. I informed her that there was as I could see it from my window. She said well Kibworth council doesn’t own it, try the Leicester City Council which I did. They said they don’t own it either. So, who owns it? I don’t know. Somebody must as the grass is cut now and again. I for one would love to get involved in making it a Community Orchard. Many people see it as a dumping ground to park their cars and vans on.
Deborah Stephens