Footpaths could be “lost” forever

Footpaths could be “lost” forever
Later this year I shall be standing down after a three year stint as the Publicity Secretary of Leicester Ramblers. As this will be my final update upon our activities I thought it would be particularly pertinent to reference a pressing matter that should concern not just those of us who are enthusiastic about walking but moreover anyone who has an enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside at large.
In the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 a deadline of 2031 was set to register and enshrine any previously unadopted ancient Rights of Way. Alarming evidence has recently arisen as reported by the BBC of substantial backlogs in the processing of applications by the relevant County Council authorities. An estimated 8,000 requests are in the backlog, some dating back to the 1980s!
There is very real concern here. Unless the government can be persuaded of the merits of extending or even cancelling the deadline altogether, then some of these ancient highways and byways may be lost forever! This includes ones dating back to the times of the medieval drovers and salt routes.
In an age where hungry developers are swallowing up countryside, once considered untouchable. Whether it is for housing or the labyrinthine distribution warehouses, now is the time to make a stand. We need to call for urgent action to preserve these once treasured pathways. Not just us but for future generations to enjoy.
To do this please write to your local MP. Urge them to lobby in parliament for the preservation of our heritage.
David Wheeler
Leicester and District Ramblers