News from Smeeton Westerby

By the time you read this month’s Chronicle, we will have held our first CoCo morning in the village hall. What can that be, you might be asking? Well, it stands for ‘Coffee and Conversation’, so basically it’s a time when we are inviting you to join us for a cup of tea or coffee, naturally served with cake and biscuits, to have a friendly chat and to meet some new people.

We are planning to hold our sessions on the third Wednesday of the month, our next get together being on Wednesday 19 June, 10.30-12 noon. Hopefully by then the weather will be glorious and we will be able to sit in the garden and enjoy the sunshine. 

Brass on the Grass

Brass on the Grass‘ is one of our annual favourite events and this year we are holding it on Sunday 30 June. As always it will be on the allotments on Gumley Road.

So why not come along around 5.30pm, with a blanket or chair, purchase your refreshments and then settle back to enjoy and hour and a half of music played by The Oddfellows Brass Band. If the weather is inclement, we will move into the church, so do come whatever! The money raised by donations on the evening, goes to charity.

Sunday night prayer ministry/bible study group

Just a reminder that on a Sunday night in the hall between 5-6pm, we invite anyone who wishes to find out more about God, to further their own faith or to be reinvigorated again in their faith to join us for a prayer ministry and bible study group lead by Brain Efediyi. This group has really taken off so if you would like to find out more please contact Brian on 07882 511 280

Wilder Westerby

A message from Kate Warburton

Are you interested in learning about how you can support wildlife in your garden or allotment?

Everyone is aware of the huge decline in wildlife populations and the rich biodiversity that Nature offers us, which sustains the food and water systems essential for our lives.

In our village of Smeeton Westerby we are very lucky to live in close proximity to the natural world, and many of you will already be noticing and helping wildlife in your gardens.

Some exciting initiatives are already starting to happen in our local area, including new woodland plantings, wetland developments, and the beginnings of swift box placements.

If you would like to share your observations, offer suggestions, or find out more, please come along for an informal chat in the village hall on Wednesday 29 May between 10.30 and 12 noon. It would be lovely to meet and hear your stories.

Christ Church

On Sunday 9 June, we are holding another annual event and that is our outdoor family service at Highfields, 20 Gumley Road, LE8 0LT.

If you are not sure where that is, just follow your nose, as the bacon butties and sausage baps will be waiting for you. This is a service when we serve breakfast at 9.30am before the service begins at 10am. It is a very informal service and open to all, young and old alike. It would be lovely to welcome you. This service will replace our usual express family service.

Janet Gilbert