Books at the Bus stop

Dear Editor,

Since retiring I have had time to use the bus services more. Lots of places now have books at the bus stop. You can swop a book or leave a book you’ve just enjoyed reading.

It would be great in this wonderful village if  we offered the same facility at our bus stops. The books could be fiction or non-fiction, for adults or children.

Why? Well it encourages everyone to read more. Since retiring I’ve joined a book group and we read some amazing books. Apart from offering the books read to family and friends I’m stuck with them.

If we had this facility of books at the bus stop I’d drop them off for others to read.

I realise that our main bus stop in the centre of the village doesn’t have, at present, room for a few shelves to house any books, particularly in a way that would keep them dry. That doesn’t mean to say that the shelter couldn’t be adapted to house some shelves. It would be a lot easier to adapt the bus stop at the top of the village.

If you think it’s a good idea then simply text a YES to 07540 719 298.


Anne F