Local Mental Health Support Service

Extending a welcoming hand…

In an era where mental health awareness is increasingly becoming a focal point of societal conversation, ‘Leicester Life Links’, a local mental health and wellbeing recovery support service is here to help. This initiative extends a welcoming hand to individuals seeking guidance, support, and connection in their mental health journey.

Guiding individuals…

At the core of ‘Leicester Life Links’ lies a commitment to guiding individuals through the labyrinth of mental health resources and services available in their community. Recognising the often overwhelming nature of seeking help, the service provides invaluable advice and navigation, ensuring that no one traverses this journey alone.

Whether it’s connecting individuals with local support organisations, facilitating access to peer support groups, or guiding them towards mental health courses, this service serves as a compass, helping individuals find their way to the resources best suited to their circumstances.

Community and peer support…

Central to the ethos of ‘Leicester Life Links’ is the belief in the transformative power of community and peer support. These groups foster a sense of belonging and understanding, reminding participants that they are not alone in their struggles.

Tailored support…

‘Leicester Life Links’ emphasises the importance of equipping individuals with self-help techniques to better manage their mental health. Through tailored 1:1 support sessions, individuals are provided with personalised guidance and practical strategies to navigate challenges, cultivate resilience, and foster emotional well-being. 

From mindfulness practices to cognitive behavioural techniques, these sessions empower individuals to take an active role in their mental health journey.

A warm welcome awaits…

‘Leicester Life Links’ warmly welcomes individuals aged 18 and above from Blaby District, Oadby and Wigston, and the Harborough district. Whether you’re taking your first steps towards seeking support or are seeking to enhance your existing mental health toolkit, all are invited to embark on this journey towards wellness.

Drop-in at The Well

For those eager to learn more, we invite you to our local drop-in session, held every second Thursday of the month at The Well from 10:00 to 13:00. Individuals are encouraged to explore the myriad of support options available and take the first step towards a brighter, more resilient future.

Emily Adkin.

Leicester Life Links

Richmond Fellowship