Kibworth Primary School

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Pre-school Consultation with the Local Community

Our school has always strived to offer a high-quality education for all our pupils; with this in mind, we believe it would be fantastic to be able to extend our offer to younger pupils and offer an onsite preschool that is fully integrated with our primary school.

Early Years Education

At Kibworth CE Primary School, we have always emphasised the importance of early years education and its profound impact on a child’s overall development. We have the knowledge and experience to create a preschool that is an inclusive, nurturing environment where children can flourish, learn, and grow through engaging play-based activities. This would give our little ones a wonderful start! 

Share your interests

We invite you to express your interest and share your views using the link Preschool Consultation May 2024 on our website. Alternatively, click on the QR code.

The consultation period will close on Friday 31 May. Your feedback will be instrumental in helping us assess the demand and make informed decisions.

Mrs Matthew – Headteacher