Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council May 24

The parish council’s last meeting was held on 2 April in the Studio at the KCH.

Several members of the public expressed concerns about amenity land off Marriott Drive which has been put up for sale (see Amenity Land below).

Cllr Feltham said a new bus stop was being installed on Wistow Road primarily for Centrebus 44 to serve the business park.

LCC – Cllr Feltham, in his role as chairman, had opened a new exhibition of the Hallaton Hoard at Harborough Museum. Conservators from the British Museum had spent 20 years restoring the Roman cavalry officer helmet and there were modern replicas displayed too.

HDC No report.

Joint Recreation Board Canvas have cleared the drainage at the skatepark. The zipwire has been maintained and the gate entrance moved around to level ground.

Lottery funding has been received to replace the play tower in Jubilee Green; it is hoped it will be replaced in early May.

New ‘No dog’ signs have been installed on the fencing around Polwell Park.

An orchard of 17 apple trees has been planted in Larkswood.

Joint Burial Board. Sexton Gardens have created a  memorial garden near the Lychgate.

Village Hall – The next film night on 4 May will show Hidden Figures and on 15 June it is Oppenheimer. The financial accounts show a sound position.

Grammar School Hall/Community Hub – The financial situation remains a priority, so a number of fundraising events are being organised. Tenders for the new library extension should be issued in early May.

Police and Crime – No report this month.

Planning – After discussion, councillors agreed to object to 24/00262/FUL (14 Leicester Road) for several reasons including limited visibility when working on front of property and increases in traffic on The Leys and Hillcrest Avenue.

Amenity land off Marriott Drive sale – There was an auction of the three pieces of land scheduled for 18 April, but the land is now being sold privately. The areas are classed as public open space and amenity land so there needs to be a contractor identified to maintain them. The parish council will continue trying to contact the new owners.

Councillor drop-in sessions – It is hoped monthly councillor drop-in sessions will begin in the autumn.

Training – It was agreed to collaborate with KBPC to book an in-house session for First Aid for staff.

Policies – Updated or new versions were agreed for:

  • Freedom of Information
  • Natural Burial Policy
  • Memorial Policy

Finances & Administration –All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and payments were approved. 

Councillor reports – There has been no response to the letter to 11 Thackney Leys about overgrown bushes. One of the benches on Warwick Park behind Longbreach Road needs renovating so the clerk will add to the grounds team list of jobs.

Clerk’s report. A s106 bid has been submitted by HDC to plant 60 trees around the balancing pond behind the Warwick Park playground and skatepark.

The last public meeting was on 7 May (Annual) and the next is 4 June in the KCH and will be reported in due course. The annual parish walkabout is on 2 July starting from Jubilee Green at 7pm.

Our 7pm monthly meetings are open to the public so why not come along to meet all our councillors and see what we do?

Please visit our website for more information about us at

If you would like to get involved or let us know of any community news about upcoming events, then please contact the Clerk.

Sara Barrett (