Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council May 24

Kibworth Beauchamp shield

The parish council’s monthly public meeting was held on 23 April in the Studio at the Kibworth Community Hub.

Councillors were disappointed that both Helen Sibson and Louise Kiernan had resigned due to other commitments. There were now three vacancies.


All financial statements, reconciliations and payments were approved. The summary annual financial data for 2023/24 was approved to be available for internal audit.  As the parish council has a turnover above £200k it is now required to follow the Transparency Code for Local Government and upload all expenditure over £500 onto the website.

Clerk’s Report

The Grammar School railway footbridge is now open although some cladding is awaited for the central section and additional drainage is required to avoid large puddles forming. Monthly Councillor drop-in sessions are being investigated for the autumn. The St George’s Day flag was raised on the roundabout.


24/00262/FUL Conversion to 3 houses – 14 Leicester Road, Kibworth Beauchamp/Harcourt. This application has been withdrawn.  24/00377/FUL. Extension at rear of 10 Station Street. Council agreed to object as insufficient information had been provided about provision of six car park spaces.


It was resolved to approve the cost of £2,388 for six devices and a year’s subscription. This equipment is intended to help provide real-time traffic volume data on Fleckney Road and High Street.


Dr Feltham reported that LCC has been appointed as the ‘responsible authority’ to lead on the development of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy.


Cllr Whelband explained that he was campaigning for a review of the use of Hikvision CCTV equipment across the district. He also said complaints were being reported about the rushed consultation process for the new Local Plan.

Joint Recreation – Skatepark

The spoil piles will be removed when the weather improves and the chicane at the end of the B1footpath has been temporarily removed.

Smeeton Road Park

the plaques for the 25 trees have been ordered. Bird, hedgehog and bug boxes will be installed when ready. Larkswood – the apple orchard has been planted.

Joint Burial Board

The new memorial area has been completed near the Lychgate.

Kibworth Community Hub

Various fundraising events are being planned. A new library trustee has experience at setting up Community Hubs in Rutland.


An area is being cleared to permit more plots.

Youth Forum

Cllr Keen is meeting with staff at Kibworth Mead Academy to progress the Forum.

UK Shared Prosperity Fund

A meeting was held in mid-April with the HDC economic development team and some businesses to discuss the Fund action plan and setting up a business group. 

Memorandum of Understanding

Councillors approved an updated MoU between the two Kibworth parish councils.

The next monthly public meetings are at 7pm on 21 (Annual) and 28 May 2024 and will be reported in due course.

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Maria Smith
