Kibworth and Smeeton WI – December 2023

On 9 November we began a busy month by installing our poppy displays in St. Wilfrid’s church. In addition to the pulpit, a cross in each entrance and window ledge decorations, we added a third cross this year which stood near the altar. After Remembrance Day, the poppies remained for a while so that people could enjoy them.
Our AGM was also on the 9th and began with an excellent demonstration by Angela from Kibworth Garden Centre on how to create a Christmas wreath. She began by covering a circular base with hay. Moss can also be used, but can become wet and cold. Her tip when binding it to the base with wire is not to do it too tightly. Foliage is then pushed into the base, with all stalks going in the same direction. Pieces of Christmas tree or conifer can be used, cut into 5-6 inch lengths. Other foliage, such as silvery eucalyptus, variegated euonymus, cotoneaster, viburnum and holly with berries are all suitable. Yew is not, as it sheds quickly. Ivy is lovely, but Angela advises not to make a wreath with it too early, as ivy wilts and only lasts about a month.
Angela confessed that she “borrowed” some variegated holly from next door! She finished by suggesting other items to decorate the wreath such as a bow, more berries, Christmas roses – or anything you fancy!
Continuing with the AGM our secretary led the process of electing our President. Beverley Moffat will continue, as will the committee, for the coming year. The secretary gave her annual report, reviewing the past year and Beverley thanked the committee and other members who contribute to the running of our meetings throughout the year.
Sixteen more knitted or crocheted blankets were handed in for the RVS at LRI to use with dementia patients, bringing the total created since April to a magnificent 50! Members are continuing to make various items for charities.
On 16 November our skittles team played a match at the Star and Garter in Wigston against Breedon on the Hill WI. They were a very friendly team, ensuring a lovely atmosphere.The first two games ended in a draw, then Breedon won the third game and Kibworth the fourth. It was close, but Breedon won the decider, to end a fun evening spent with WI ladies from outside our area.

Finally, we put up our Christmas display in the library garden on 30 November, to coincide with their event, when author Sue Moorcroft visited. She spoke about the process of writing a novel and getting it into print and introduced her latest book, “The Christmas Love Letters”.
We look forward to our Christmas party on 14 December and beyond, to another year of interesting speakers and activities.
Pat Sharman