Kibworth Osteopaths – Nov 2023

There is never enough time

I get it. Life is busy, and the world seems to spin faster and faster each day. Any spare minutes are precious, so we should use them wisely. However, we absorb these moments and scroll aimlessly through social media or the news. This does not benefit us much mentally or physically. So, I am on a mini-mission to encourage you to recapture your time and use it to serve you inside and out.

Whether you work in a manual job or desk-based job, or if you’re retired, you need to take a break. You need to stretch your body and give your mind a rest, too. The temptation when we stop and rest is to grab our phone and ‘check-in’. Honestly, the only things that have been over-used are your thumbs and your neck, which has been held in flexion for too long.

Need more time? Here are a few ideas of what you can take as your next movement snack.

*All items listed can be found in a set of videos here:

Movement Snacks Menu*

No time at all – a super quick but effective breathing exercise.

30 Seconds – Have a mini break at work. Take a look at my speedy second desk stretch.

1 Minute – Try my quick, time-saving stretch that gets many muscle groups.

2 Minutes – Give my two-minute desk stretch a go; this is an ideal way to break up your day.

5 Minutes – Try my at-home Worktop Workout.

10 Minutes – This is a time to focus on a Whole Body Stretch. Pause the video a few times on each stretch to get an extra special body benefit!

You’ll be amazed at what adding regular stretching and movement into your day will do for your mind and physical body. Your fantastic body was designed to move, so do your body and yourself a favour and start replacing one scrolling session at a time with some stretching. Please get in touch if you have any questions on how to get started, managing an injury or stretches for specific concerns

Emily Coombes

Registered Osteopath (7416)