Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

The Parish Council’s October meeting was held on 4 October in the Studio at the Kibworth Grammar School Hall.

Dr Feltham explained that Windmill Farm Park had requested support for tourist direction signs to the Park from the A6. Councillors supported such signs and Dr Feltham agreed to confirm this to the Highways department.

He also reported that the county council had agreed to repair damage caused by a bus to the wall surrounding the roundabout in Kibworth Beauchamp during the week beginning 16 October.

The decision by Harborough District Council to sign a Statement of Common Ground accepting a quarter more homes to build per year because Leicester City say they are unable to find space for them was deferred to 6 November.

Joint Recreation Board

A walkabout of Warwick Park was arranged for 19 September. A discussion was held with Canvas about the amount of earth extracted for the Skatepark as various disposal options needed clarifying. HDC is charging for the right to drain the skatepark into the nearby balancing pond. The skatepark is due to be completed by December when new fencing to surround it will be fitted.

Now that the s106 application to replace the play tower on Jubilee Green has been refused by HDC, the Joint Rec Board will discuss options for replacing it.

The Polwell Road Play Area legal transfer to the Parish from HDC has been completed. Some actions are needed following the inspection.

Joint Burial Board

The extension of the new cremation section has been completed. The external painting and carpentry work on the Lychgate are being completed.

Village Hall

The film night on 28 October is showing’ The Lost King’ about finding the remains of Richard III in Leicester. The film on 18 November is’ Walk the Line,’ the biopic of Johnny Cash.

Grammar School Hall/Community Hub

Online banking has now been arranged. The ABBA evening on 28 October is postponed. £263,953.99 of the s106 application for Phase 1 (the new library) funding has been approved by HDC. Tenders and further funding will now be sought for the work.

Police and Crime

Cllr Matthews gave his report as Police & Crime Commissioner. He confirmed that arrests have been made following recent murders in Leicester. Police have found a way to immobilise e-scooters that have been used to break the law. A new police station is to open in Lutterworth.

Kibworth Allotments

It was resolved that KHPC take on the lease administration for the allotments on West Langton Road from KBPC.

Finances & Administration

All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and shared costs with KBPC were approved, including the annual £59.99 cost of Microsoft OneDrive for the parish laptop.

Councillor Reports

The benches currently being stored by Cllr Tillotson are still awaiting concrete bases to be installed.

Clerk’s Report

Spendlove, the verge contractor, has agreed to kill the weeds on the Wistow Road roundabout and to prepare the land again so the wildflower seeds can be sown.

Councillors approved the £87 upgrade to the EDGE accounting software package so it could handle higher account levels.

Next Public Meeting

The next two public meetings are on 2 November and Thursday 7 December in the Kibworth Grammar School Hall and will be reported in due course. Our 7pm monthly meetings are open to the public so why not come along to meet all our councillors and see what we do?

Please visit our website for more information about us at

If you would like to get involved or let us know of any community news about up-and-coming events, then please contact the Clerk.

Sara Barrett