Macmillan Cancer Support at Mowsley

Coffee Mornings for Macmillan Cancer Support at Mowsley

I have just hosted my 20th coffee morning for the above charity where £847 was raised, which is new record for Mowsley.  This takes the total raised from 2004 to the present to just over £9,000.  However, I feel it is now time to hand over the organisation of this annual event to someone else.

It all started in 2004 with just one or two friends coming round for coffee and biscuits and we managed to raise just under £200.  Everyone enjoyed it so much we decided to have one the following year.  Each year after that we exceeded the previous year’s total.

In 2012 our coffee morning date clashed with the Mowsley Gardening Club’s visit to Malvern.  We still carried on and raised £365 that year.

The sunny days continued until 2016 when it poured with rain.  Angela, from Kibworth Garden Centre, was supposed to come to sell her plants but her van broke down too.  We still managed to raise £560 though.

Then in 2020 Covid hit.  Not to be put off, we decanted outside to our front drive and commandeered the neighbours’ gardens either side.  Armed with masks, sanitisers and gloves we asked people to bring their own mugs, stagger entrance times and keep socially distant.  I spent the whole morning making sure there were no more than six people in each garden.  Amazingly we raised £630.

As the format was so successful, my supporting team, comprising my husband, Rob, and our helpful neighbours, decided to carry on with the outdoor event.  Good job as I wouldn’t be able to get everyone in our house now.

Over the years the Macmillan coffee morning has become an annual tradition in Mowsley and I hope that the new organisers will gain the continued support for this worthy charity and  have success in the future.

Pauline Dawes