News from Smeeton Westerby

Brass on the Grass

Summer in Smeeton, like everywhere else, seemed to come and go but then, as I write this, be back in all its glory. Long may it last.

For us, our annual Brass on the Grass concert in July was once again a huge success. Sitting looking over the allotments to our beautiful church, and listening to The Odd Fellows Brass Band playing was a real joy. With Pimms, Prosecco and Langton Brewery beer on tap, this free early evening concert went with a real swing.

At the end, through generous donations, we had raised £950 that was shared between Dementia UK and The British Heart Foundation. We have to thank everyone involved who made it such a successful event.

Driving Treasure Hunt

The summer ran its course before finishing with our ‘Driving Treasure Hunt’ organised by Jill and John Vickers. It was great fun following the clues through our beautiful countryside and then finishing at The Kings Head where Edd and Andy were BBQing as part of their Beer Festival.

As the papers were being marked, we were able to eat, drink and be merry! At the end of the day, the marks were really close but the winning team who triumphed was Dereliction of Duty led by Kath Allen.

The Village Hall

During the summer months, the Village Hall Committee have been working hard to refresh the building for its users. The walls have been given a fresh coat of paint and we are about to have the windows replaced in the extension.

Next time you go into the garden, you will be amazed at the transformation, thanks to the gardening skills of Stephen Benton. Stephen kindly offered to take over the role from Rick Ruddock-Brown who had tirelessly looked after it for us for several years. The committee has also been busily painting the fence and redoing the shed doors to give it that fresher feel.

New Term, New Classes

So with a new term starting, here is a list of our classes that feature in our hall;

Monday am – Pilates

Monday pm – Line Dancing

Monday late pm – Yoga

Monday evening – Aerobics and Body Tone

Tuesday am – Pilates

Tuesday evening – Karate

Wednesday pm – Yoga

Wednesday evening – Aerobics and Body tone

Thursday am – Pilates

Thursday evening – Kibworth Dance

Friday am – Rosen Movement

Sunday – Karate

To get more information about how to contact the class leaders, please ring or message Janet on 0116 279 2810 or 07950 409 610

To hire the hall, please ring Chris on 07808 469 916

Now for a few Dates for your Diary

Friday 6 October 7 for 7.30pm

Quiz Night

We will also be enjoying our Harvest Supper, which will include some delicious desserts! Tickets are £12; teams of up to 8 people but if you are not in a team, we can sort that out on the night – just reserve your tickets and come! We do ask everyone to bring their own drinks and glasses.

Please ring Philippa on 01162703841 to reserve tickets.

2. Sunday 8 October

Harvest Service

Christ Church, we will be holding our all-age fun family Harvest Service, starting at 10am. If you would like to bring any non- perishable gifts (tins/packets etc.) to the service, that would be wonderful! They will then be distributed between The Well and Open Hands.

Welcome to New Church Warden (s)

And finally, as Liz Vickers has now stepped down as our church warden, a position she has held for over 7 years, we are delighted to announce that our new proposed wardens will be Janet Gilbert and Gordon Arthur. We will still be holding three services a month to which you are warmly welcome. All our services start at 10am.

1st Sunday of the month – Communion.

2nd Sunday – Fun Family Express Service.

3rd Sunday – An informal morning service.

Janet Gilbert